Change Logs

version 2.1 -       7 December 21
  - Added PWA.
  - Dynamic whatsapp Message
  - drag and drop sorting in product & categody
  - Google map key access from admin
  - twilio Message after order completed and accept with dynamic message
  - Forget passord for delivery guy and customer
  - Add sorting by order in products and category
  - Product clone / duplicate
  - Re order from track list
  - Dynamic fonts
  - Number format
  - Currency position
  - 7+ Language added
  - added language switcher for restaurant
  - Delivery order loaded dynamically in delivery guy panel
- Fix 
   - pickup time in invoice
   - Hide / show call waiter & review
   - Changes Some UI / UX
   - Improve UI / UX 
version 2.0 -       2 November 21
  - Added Paytm, Mercadopago, stripe fpx, Flutterwave payment gateway.
  - Call a waiter option
  - Area/location based delivery charge
  - added multiple images in item details
  - Enable / disable customer login in checkout page
  - Enable / disable veg type select
  - Dynamic QR code builder
  - Dynamic icon / image for restaurant banner
  - Custom landing page
  - Google analytics and facebook pixel for both admin and restaurant
- Fix 
   - Hide users in footer
   - Hide home section in home page
   - Package name not showing in pos invoice
   - Improve UI / UX 

version 1.9 -     2 October 21
  - Added Tax in order for restaurants
  - Added Discount in order for restaurant
  - Added Minimum amount for Cash-on-delivery (COD).
  - Added pickup point time slot.
  - Added New layout For restaurants with (single checkout page, payment gateway page, order success page & more).
  - Rating! Customer can rate their order. This rating will show in the restaurant's profile.
  - Restaurants can create customers and added a customer list for restaurants.
  - Customers can change information temporarily when orders or can change it for all (account included)
- Fix 
   - Double price in whatsapp share
   - Improve site speed
version 1.8 -   07 September 21
  - Restaurant Close Popup.
  - Customer Login and registration
  - Customer Panel with order list and track 
  - Delivery Staff panel with order status
  - Set default prepared time
  - Order details for customer & Delivery Staff with Different UI
  - Order invoice 
  - Pos print, printer print and export pdf
  - Add all order in kds
  - Order track with restaurant & delivery status.
  - Add comments for all orders
  - Delivery status in restaurant order list
  - Filter option in all order list with pagination
  - Sells, Item, Order, Customer Purchased statistics with Filter
  - Impore theme design.
- Fix 
   - Decimal price in item size
   - Get start in landing page
version 1.7 -   01 August 21
  - Twilo SMS notification when accept & complete order with control
  - Phone number, Google Map link, pickup time in whatsapp order
  - Weekly and 15days in trail package
  - Razorpay Payment gateway in Pay-in-order
- Fix 
   - Multiple item count in cart for all device
   - Profile link in dashboard
   - Decimal price in item size
   - Get start in landing page
version 1.6 -   25 June 21
  - Staff / restaurant access with permission
  - Item pagination and search with ajax
  - Add single  category page with search and pagination
  -  Added pagination in users page
  - Live kitchen status for user's 
- Fix 
   - Css issues
   - Time issue in order
   - Fix blank in reservation approve
version 1.5 -   06 June 21
  - Extras / add-on in the items
  - QR menu builder
  - Real time notification
  - Order Histories
  - Google map link in the cash-on-delivery
  - KDS (Kitchen Display system)
  - Online payment added under package
- Fix 
   - Css issues
   - Responsive issues 
version 1.4 -   18 May 21
  - Seo configuration for both site and restaurant
  - Improve user preferences
- Fix 
   - Payment issue in pay in cash method
version 1.3 -   14 May 21
  - Item Stock arability with control
  -  Pickup point with google map location
  -  Dine-in with table area and table allowed person
  -  order prepared time slot with dynamic count timer
  - Improve admin preferences
  - Improve user preferences
  - Improve responsive issue
- Fix 
   - Item size for multiple restaurant
   -  Currency issue in order
version 1.2  -    20 April 21
  - Added Multi-language
  - Added Pay in cash (online payment in order)
  - Added Multiple currency & dial code
  - Shipping charge both online payment & cash on delivery
  - Added controller for WhatsApp, order system, payment system
  - Added Controller for home page menu & all sections
  - Improve admin preferences
  - Improve user preferences
  - Improve responsive issue
version 1.1  -  29 March 21
  - Google recaptcha
  - Delivery Charge in cash on delivery
  - Pickup option
version 1.0  -  24 March 21
initial release

Last updated