Email Configuration

If you use the SMTP mail function make sure All credentials are correct.

Gmail Host: Gmail Port: 465

If you are using Gmail SMTP please make sure you have set the below settings before sending mail

  1. Login to your Gmail

  2. Go to Security setting and Enable 2 factor authentication

  3. After enabling this you can see app passwords option

  4. And then, from Your app passwords tab select Other option and put your app name and click GENERATE button to get new app password.

  5. Finally copy the 16 digit of password and click done. Now use this password instead of email password to send mail via your app.

Third-party mailer - SendGrid

3rd Party SMTP providers like SendGrid

SendGrid is the leading SMTP provider. Easy to set up and reliable service.

Get an account here.

This article is important in order to setup your SendGrid SMTP correct.

Required: You need to Authenticate your domain to send emails from. Here is how.

Last updated