OneSignal push notifications

Push notifications are available from version 2.5

Note: This API is now used for admin / restaurant both. admin can send message to their subscribers/restaurants & restaurant can send notification to their subscribers. After it works perfectly will add it for restaurant and for the customers - now available.

For the setup guide you can follow one signal official video tutorial or our step by step explanation.

Visit the OneSignal official website.

Click on the NEW APP/WEBSITE button.

Now enter your app name and select Web Push.

Next enter your Site name, Site URL and upload or enter the default icon URL.


Enable My site is not fully HTTPS

Now after you finish with the Site Setup next step is Permission Prompt Setup.

Slide Prompt is added by default and you need to click on it for changing the configuration.

More information you will find on the video documentation about this part.

Next click on ADD A PROMPT.

Next step is configuration on Welcome Notification.

Here you can change the TITLE, MESSAGE and LINK.

After you finish with this click on the Save button and then Finish.

Now after you app is active you will need to get the credentials created in this app.

You will find this credentials in the Keys & IDs page.

Now Login as restaurant > settings > one Signal configuration

Now you are able to send customize message from here

Here Custom link: If you want to redirect your client in your external site/link

Last updated